Saturday, January 21, 2012

Greetings {from Planet 128}

I wanted to take you all for a little glance inside my classroom. I am a second grade teacher, and I have been teaching for 9 years. My students are very diverse learners! I have some that soar through our content and some that struggle. All-in-all, I teach A GREAT group of kiddos. I actually think that 2nd grade it the PERFECT grade level. They are still so young and sweet {and excited about everything} yet old enough to be independent. 

My passion is all things literacy. I love to teach reading, writing, and word study. My approach in most subjects is "the workshop method." I divide the students up into groups {based on needs} and they travel through stations, independent practice, or learning games. I am totally inspired by Beth Newingham. Her website changed my life! I have incorporated her "book nooks" and classroom library approach {in my own way, of course} to provide a reading block where my students are reading "just right books" for the entire hour of reading time. I also have incorporated her word study and math workshop approach as well. If you have never met Beth, then let me introduce you...prepare to be inspired! Just click on her name below to go directly to her website. 

I am also REALLY super excited about my school {Centerville Elementary} and our impending magnet status. We are going to be a school of 21st Century Skills. Our whole approach to education is changing. We want to be a place where project-based learning occurs where students are totally in the drivers seat. We will incorporate the 4 Cs {critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication} into every aspect of curriculum. This approach has been very exciting to learn about, challenging to implement, and exciting to witness. 

Well, that's a little glimpse into my classroom. I can't wait to hear more about your passions, strategies, and kiddos!!

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