Saturday, January 21, 2012

Response to Intervention {Chapter ONE Sythesis}

What I Do Right...
I try my best to deliver high quality instruction to my students everyday. When dealing with students with special needs, I strive to implement strategies that are suggested in their IEP. I also look at testing data so that I can monitor each student's progress and see if the interventions that have been implemented are being effective. I like to research the students' individual area of strengths and weakness, then design an action plan that is feasible for a classroom full of MANY students. I find that there are many resources that I can pull from which give suggestions as to how to instruct students with special needs. To further illustrate my action plan, I will describe my current teaching situation with one of my actual students {whose name has been changed}: 
  • Sally performs significantly below grade level, and significantly below that of her peers. She was referred for testing at a different school, but did not qualify for special education services. I follow Jan Richardson's guided reading plan from her book The Next Step in Guided Reading for 10 minutes of one-on-one instruction 3 days a week. I also modify and re-mediate assignments based on her needs. 
What I Do Wrong...
When teaching a classroom full of second graders, I find that my WANT TO falls short of my NEED TO. I want to do so much for each child, and give them all that I can. However, in the busy pace of the day, it is so hard to follow through, keep up with, and research the strategies for students who need that "little extra push." Data analysis, interventions based on scientific research, and implementation of BEST practices instruction based on individual needs is at times ignored...due to the fact that I have a very full plate.

How I'm Going to Fix It...
I think that, by pursuing a Masters Degree, I am learning more and more about how to become a better classroom teacher. I strive to gain new insight by taking classes, and implementing new strategies that are best for my students. I also try to read new books and stay current with the trends in education. Similarly, I want to learn from seasoned teachers who have tons of classroom experience. These teachers can provide insight into strategies and methods to reach all learners in the classroom. Finally, I think that each year will be a teacher in-and-of itself. Every year I see a variety of new faces with a variety of new concerns., veteran teachers, and experience with continue to give me "a new tool in my tool belt" as I continue to implement interventions for my students who need it. 


1 comment:

  1. I believe the Master's program is helping all of us who are actively involved in the chapter forums and postings on our new blogger sites. I have gain a tremendous amount of understanding from my peers. Reading about the situations in our classrooms has helped me to respond with some similar accomodations for my students. It is wonderful to share stratgies, methods, and insights with younger teachers. I am proud of you and your accomplishments, and I am grateful that you did wait until your 50's like me to pursue your graduate degree. This will benefit you academically and financially for years to come.
